Beware of high temperature and high humidity, there are tricks in pasting wallpaper in summer


 Beware of high temperature and high humidity, there are tricks in pasting wallpaper in summer 

Wallpaper shop is stuck the most afraid of the rainy season, the wallpaper of moistureproof problem, we should pay attention to what?The wallpaper moistureproof the grabbed from decorate what time?Preliminary basis to play good, late is really all OK?Wallpaper shop sticks mainly and the material of wall paper, construction specification and later maintenance related, together and see it.
Choose breathable material
Wallpaper wallpaper on the market of many materials, non-woven fabric, wood fiber, PVC, glass fiber base material, cloth, such as contrast, PVC wallpaper the least breathable, the most easily to the wall of the water vapor stuffy inside, time is long is easy to form bad points.
Keep dry and metope
New cement metope must be kept dry, construction, generally 20 to 40 days shall maintain, to be able to wallpaper shop is stuck.It is important to note that when decorating, should pay attention to don't let the non-standard construction will not be suitable for metope paint were mixed with the sand of the sea.Sea sand high salt content, it is easy to absorb moisture, late for metope buried "flood".
Before Posting a wallpaper, it is necessary to first base handle.If it is secondhand the room renovation, the gap of wall must fill and level up, otherwise the wallpaper is easy to empty drum.
Pay attention to the quality of the shop is stuck
Three points, seven materials engineering, attaches great importance to the small details when wallpaper metope shop, can achieve better results.
Wallpaper is generally a variety, the shop is stuck when must pay attention to whether there is a large gap between two pieces of wallpaper, spelling a flower to see if there is alignment.In addition, when the shop is stuck trap water wetting wallpaper, there will be some shrinkage after dry, to leave a good expansion.The contraction joint of metope try not to speak to the wind.
Insist on maintenance
Proper maintenance can prolong the life of the wallpaper, enhance moisture-proof function.
During the period of construction and the construction is not within 24 hours after the end of Windows, doors open.Ventilation will cause the wallpaper sharply after drying, uneven contraction crack caused by the joint.Three days after the shop is stuck, should pay attention to adjusting the ventilation.Should open the Windows and doors during the day, keep ventilated;Prevent humidity to enter, the evening want to close the doors and Windows, thus affecting the strong degree of paste.
Conclusion: choose a wallpaper with family friend mostly considering that it is beautiful, in order to bring its advantages play incisively and vividly, decorate before, during and after we can do a lot.Do these, we can have a beautiful wall.