How to wallpaper a room


How to wallpaper a room

Hanging the First Sheet
Draw a vertical pencil line on the wall surface at your chosen starting point. Check and recheck this line using a level Pick up the "book" of folded paper and unfold the top section. Position it against the guide line  When you are happy that the paper is level, brush it down from the top and crease it into the junction, At the same time, ensure that the vertical edge of the paper is precisely aligned with the pencil guide line. Unfold the book and work your way down the wall to the floor or baseboard. Be careful not to crease or tear the paper. Keep checking that the sheet is vertical 
Use the brush to smooth the paper over the wall and remove any bubbles. Work from the center of the paper to the edges (Image 5). At floor level, use the brush to crease the paper into the junction between the wall and baseboard 
Trim and Join the Next Length
Brush back up the paper to ensure good adhesion. Pay particular attention to the edges and to removing air bubbles . Trim at the top and bottom of the length using whichever method you prefer . If you use scissors, mark the crease with a pencil line. Brush the trimmed edges tight against the ceiling and baseboard . Use a clean, damp sponge to wipe away any excess paste from wallpaper surface. Do the same for the ceiling and baseboard.
Align Seams
Make sure that the pattern is matched at eye level; this keeps any pattern drop (or misalignments) at a high or low level . Butt the edges together tightly, checking the seam as you work your way down . Clean the seam with a wet sponge to remove any excess paste; do not apply too much pressure as this creates a shiny seam when the paper is dry. Finish off by gently running a seam roller up and down the seam.
How to Paper the Side of a Window Recess
When you reach a window, hang the next length of paper so that it overlaps the recess. Make horizontal cuts in the paper and bend the resulting flap into the recess. If the paper doesn’t reach the window, it will be necessary to insert a further length. Using a utility knife, finely trim the paper so that it fits perfectly around the sill. After cutting the ends, brush the flap into place and crease the paper into the corner. Trim the edge so that the paper is flush with the window frame.
How to Paper the Top of a Window Recess
Paste a short piece of paper on top of the existing sheet to create a flap to fold into the window recess. Make sure that the patterns on the two sheets match. After cutting the flap, use a cutting edge and a knife to cut a diagonal line through both sheets of paper from the corner of the recess to the edge of the top sheet.
Remove both pieces of paper, then peel away the bottom sheet and place the top piece onto the wall. As always, make sure that the pattern fits perfectly with the edge sheet. Fold the remaining flap of the new sheet into the window recess. Brush out any bubbles and trim any ends with the knife. Hang a whole length so that it overlaps the other end of the window. Create flaps and fold them into the recess as before. Fill in between the window sill and the floor. Trim the first and fourth lengths neatly around the sill.
How to Paper the Side of a Door
When you get to a door, apply a sheet as normal. Cut out a rough area of the door with scissors, leaving plenty of excess paper. Cut diagonally through the excess paper over the door to the corner of the casing. Crease the top and side flaps into place, leaving the excess around the casing. Trim the excess paper from the top of the door frame, using a utility or trimming knife. Continue trimming the paper down the side of the door frame. Use the edge of the casing as a guide. Smooth the paper around the casing with the brush.