Prevent wallpaper from cracking


 Prevent wallpaper from cracking

Many friends like to use wallpaper to decorate the walls, because of its simple construction, many patterns to choose from, and it is not easy to crack. But recently, an enthusiastic netizen reported that the wallpaper of their home was bulging and cracks appeared in some places as soon as the wallpaper was installed. Obviously he supervised the work on site, and the construction master was very serious. How could this happen?
Later, after questioning, it was found that when the wallpaper was pasted, the windows were opened for ventilation, which is actually undesirable. Because the draught will cause the wallpaper to lose water quickly, which can easily cause shrinkage and cracking. So what is the right thing to do when posting wallpapers? Let me tell you right away.
The most taboo thing about paving wallpaper is rushing to work. Unlike other wall decoration materials, when paving wallpaper, the moisture-proof treatment of the wall is especially in place. Be sure to completely cover the wall with the base film before applying the wallpaper. If you blindly rush to finish the project ahead of schedule, the wall base does not meet the construction requirements and problems are likely to occur. Especially if it is not completely dry, the wallpaper will be prone to cracking, mildew, bulging and other problems in the future.So remind everyone to wait until the wall base is completely dry before paving the wallpaper.
Workers should also be supervised during the paving process. Don't just try to be quick. And if it encounters rainy weather, or the air humidity is too high, it needs to stop work reasonably. It is best to choose a relatively sunny and dry weather for construction.
In response to the aforementioned incidents of netizens, it can also be concluded that the wallpaper should naturally dry in the shade.
After the wallpaper is pasted, the owner should not rush for success, and cannot open the doors and windows to quickly dry the wall, because this will easily cause the wallpaper to quickly lose water and shrink, and it is prone to bulging, blistering, cracking, etc.
Therefore, you should close the doors and windows and wait for the wallpaper to dry naturally. Generally, it takes about 3 days. Only in this way can the quality be better guaranteed!