Shunmei wallpaper teach you How to Easily Remove Wallpaper


Materials and Tools:
dishwashing detergent
wallpaper removal solvent
wallpaper scraping tool
spray bottle
drop cloth
putty knife
1.Place drop cloths at the base of the walls to be stripped. Remove all switch plates and outlet covers from the walls. Cut the power to the room.
2. Use a wallpaper scorer to create small holes in the paper, which allows the solution to penetrate through to the adhesive base.
3. While there are a number of commercially prepared solutions available, little works better than hot water and fabric softener. Combine the water and fabric softener in a large spray bottle at a concentration of one to one.
Tip:Mix the solution in small batches to keep the water as hot as possible.
4. Use a spray bottle to saturate a section of the wallpaper. Spray only as much of the wall as you can comfortably strip in a 15-minute period. Allow the solution to soak the paper for a few minutes before beginning.
5. Grab pieces of wallpaper at a bottom corner and carefully pull upward. Use a wide putty knife to facilitate the removal of the paper. Repeat the above steps until all the wallpaper is removed.
6. In a bucket mix a tablespoon of dish detergent with very hot water. Use a sponge to wipe down the walls, scrubbing carefully to remove all traces of wallpaper adhesive. Finally, rinse down the walls with clean water and towel dry.